CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) This is a procedure to help facilitate the meeting with a CONSENT AGENDA . One motion will approve all action items, noted as consent. These are routine matters which are repeated on the agenda. Approval means they will be implemented as recommended . Prior to acting on the consent agenda , any Commissioner may have a consent item withdrawn from this portion of the agenda so that it may be discussed prior to action. a. International Airport Commission Board November 28, 2018 minutes approval.
OTHER BUSINESS (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) Discussion and possible action on airport revenues.
CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) This is a procedure to help facilitate the meeting with a CONSENT AGENDA . One motion will approve all action items, noted as consent. These are routine matters which are repeated on the agenda. Approval means they will be implemented as recommended . Prior to acting on the consent agenda , any Commissioner may have a consent item withdrawn from this portion of the agenda so that it may be discussed prior to action. a. International Airport Commission Board November 28, 2018 minutes approval.
OTHER BUSINESS (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) Discussion and possible action on airport revenues.