Appeal #14-08 Lisaira Duran, Representing Gregorio Olivo is requesting a variance in relation to front yard and parking requirements in an R-S Zoning District. Property Description: Lot 2, Block 10, McKinney Addition (208 Riojas St.) Proposed: New Single Family Residence
6. Appeal #14-08 Lisaira Duran, Representing Gregorio Olivo is requesting a variance in relation to front yard and parking requirements in an R-S Zoning District. Property Description: Lot 2, Block 10, McKinney Addition (208 Riojas St.) 7. ADJOURNMENT Proposed: New Single Family Residence
Appeal #14-08 Lisaira Duran, Representing Gregorio Olivo is requesting a variance in relation to front yard and parking requirements in an R-S Zoning District. Property Description: Lot 2, Block 10, McKinney Addition (208 Riojas St.) Proposed: New Single Family Residence
6. Appeal #14-08 Lisaira Duran, Representing Gregorio Olivo is requesting a variance in relation to front yard and parking requirements in an R-S Zoning District. Property Description: Lot 2, Block 10, McKinney Addition (208 Riojas St.) 7. ADJOURNMENT Proposed: New Single Family Residence