Approval of Hydrogeological Study Public Meeting Minutes June 5, 2014 - Susan Corp, City Secretary
O: 2014-059 An Ordinance in Accordance with the Del Rio City Charter and State Law Providing for the Canvass of the Returns of the Special Runoff Election held on June 21, 2014; Declaring the Official Results of said City General Election; and Declaring that certain Candidates are Duly Elected as City Officials.- Susan Corp, City Secretary
a. Administration of Oath of Office - Susan Corp, City Secretary b. Recognition of Mayor Roberto Fernandez c. Recognition of Councilperson Al Arreola Adjournment
Approval of Hydrogeological Study Public Meeting Minutes June 5, 2014 - Susan Corp, City Secretary
O: 2014-059 An Ordinance in Accordance with the Del Rio City Charter and State Law Providing for the Canvass of the Returns of the Special Runoff Election held on June 21, 2014; Declaring the Official Results of said City General Election; and Declaring that certain Candidates are Duly Elected as City Officials.- Susan Corp, City Secretary
a. Administration of Oath of Office - Susan Corp, City Secretary b. Recognition of Mayor Roberto Fernandez c. Recognition of Councilperson Al Arreola Adjournment