1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. INVOCATION - Pastor Martin Seca, Living Stone Worship Center 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
5. CITIZEN COMMENTS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor take any action on any issue. A sign-up sheet is available for citizens who wish to address the Council. Please limit remarks to three minutes. Topics of operational concerns shall be directed to the City Manager. Comments should not personally attack other speakers, Council or staff. 6. MAYOR'S COMMENTS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) 7. INFORMATION ITEMS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) a. Employee Recognition of Antonio Moreno - Roberto Fernandez, Mayor
CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) This is a procedure to help facilitate the meeting with a CONSENT AGENDA. One motion will approve all action items, noted as consent. These are routine matters which are repeated on the agenda. Approval means they will be implemented as recommended by the administration. Prior to acting on the consent agenda, any Councilmember may have a consent item withdrawn from this portion of the agenda so that it may be discussed prior to action. a. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2014 - Susan Corp, City Secretary b. Unaudited Financial Statements for January 31, 2014 - Manuel B. Chavez, Finance Director
O: 2014-037 Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Authorizing the Directing City Manager Robert A. Eads to Ratify an Amendment to the WIC Grant Agreement with the Department of State Health Services - Esmeralda Meza, WIC Director
O: 2014-038 Discuss and Consider Passage on an Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Sign and Execute a Contract with the firm of Bain Medina Bain to Perform the Design Work and Assemble the Set of Plans Needed to Construct the Drainage Structure on Amistad Boulevard. - Bob Parker, City Engineer
9c. O: 2014-039 An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas, Rescinding Ordinance O:2013-066 and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Robert A. Eads to Sign a Construction Contact with Alvin E. Stock Contractors, LTD for the Water Line Distribution Rehabilitation Phases A and C Project - Hector Canales, Public Works Director 10. Adjournment
1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. INVOCATION - Pastor Martin Seca, Living Stone Worship Center 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
5. CITIZEN COMMENTS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor take any action on any issue. A sign-up sheet is available for citizens who wish to address the Council. Please limit remarks to three minutes. Topics of operational concerns shall be directed to the City Manager. Comments should not personally attack other speakers, Council or staff. 6. MAYOR'S COMMENTS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) 7. INFORMATION ITEMS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) a. Employee Recognition of Antonio Moreno - Roberto Fernandez, Mayor
CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) This is a procedure to help facilitate the meeting with a CONSENT AGENDA. One motion will approve all action items, noted as consent. These are routine matters which are repeated on the agenda. Approval means they will be implemented as recommended by the administration. Prior to acting on the consent agenda, any Councilmember may have a consent item withdrawn from this portion of the agenda so that it may be discussed prior to action. a. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2014 - Susan Corp, City Secretary b. Unaudited Financial Statements for January 31, 2014 - Manuel B. Chavez, Finance Director
O: 2014-037 Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Authorizing the Directing City Manager Robert A. Eads to Ratify an Amendment to the WIC Grant Agreement with the Department of State Health Services - Esmeralda Meza, WIC Director
O: 2014-038 Discuss and Consider Passage on an Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Sign and Execute a Contract with the firm of Bain Medina Bain to Perform the Design Work and Assemble the Set of Plans Needed to Construct the Drainage Structure on Amistad Boulevard. - Bob Parker, City Engineer
9c. O: 2014-039 An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Del Rio, Texas, Rescinding Ordinance O:2013-066 and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager Robert A. Eads to Sign a Construction Contact with Alvin E. Stock Contractors, LTD for the Water Line Distribution Rehabilitation Phases A and C Project - Hector Canales, Public Works Director 10. Adjournment